Our Commitment
Mission and Vision
Guided and motivated by the Training Center’s aphorism “Training for Competency and Professionalism”, ISNTC aims to be the first and be the best choice- the top professional maritime training and assessment center displaying excellence towards knowledge and skills enhancement while being mindful in the personal, environmental and social responsibility.
ISNTC is committed to:
• Provide seafarers with high quality level standards of training to meet the requirements and satisfaction of our customers, seafarer’s employers, and our employees based on relevant laws, rules and regulations nationally and internationally.
• Improve the theoretical knowledge and practical skills of Filipino seafarers by enhancing and supplementing the existing local and international minimum training standard, to evaluate the competency of seafarer, and familiarize the on-signing crewmembers, to guide and assist seafarer during their career, to ensure personal safety, safe and better-maintained ships, environmental protection, and adherence to Quality System.
I Integrity (Be honest and fair)
S Service (We give our best at what we do)
N Nurture (We develop professionals)
T Teamwork (We provide help or ask for help)
C Continuous Improvement (We exceed the known standard)
Intership Navigation Training Center (ISNTC) is committed to provide quality training to Filipino seafarers. We believe that by always giving our best in our quest to be a globally competitive maritime training provider, we also touch the lives of our seafarers by equipping them with a high standard of training that will work safely and effectively onboard.